New York City, NY Politics: Is It Liberal or Conservative?

Election Results and Trends in New York City, NY

New York City, NY voted Democrat in the last Presidential election, with this party winning 75.7% of the votes counted, followed by 22.6% voting Republican and other parties voting 1.7%. Therefore, this city is considered as very liberal and is ranked 311 out of top 333 most populated US cities on being the most conservative and ranked 19 out of 333 on being the most liberal city.

Presidential Elections Voting Trend

The last six Presidential election results (2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020) for New York City, NY are: D D D D D D

Voting Trend graph for New York Metro, New York

New York City, NY Presidential Voting Trend, 2000-2020

New York City has consistently leaned liberal in presidential elections. Clinton won the city (1996 and 2000), Kerry (2004), and Obama (2008). Clinton secured the city's support again in 2016, and Biden in 2020. Republican candidates have not carried the city, including Dole, Bush, McCain, Romney, and Trump (twice). The trend underscores the city's alignment with Democrat ideologies and support for liberal policies and candidates.

Local Elections

On the city level, the trend towards liberal voting has been equally apparent. Every mayor elected in the past 25 years, including Giuliani (Republican but noted for moderate stances), Bloomberg (who shifted from Republican to Independent), de Blasio, and others, had progressive agendas or bipartisan appeal. Democrats have also dominated City Council elections. This consistent pattern reflects the urban area's general preference for policies associated with the Democrat Party, even when electing more moderate Republicans.