Clovis, CA Politics: Is It Liberal or Conservative?

Election Results and Trends in Clovis, CA

Clovis, CA voted Democrat in the last Presidential election, with this party winning 52.9% of the votes counted, followed by 45.1% voting Republican and other parties voting 2.0%. Therefore, this city is considered as slightly leaning liberal and is ranked 115 out of top 333 most populated US cities on being the most conservative and ranked 222 out of 333 on being the most liberal city.

Presidential Elections Voting Trend

The last six Presidential election results (2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020) for Clovis, CA are: R R D D D D

Voting Trend graph for New York Metro, New York

Clovis, CA Presidential Voting Trend, 2000-2020

In Clovis, California, voting in Presidential elections over the last 25 years has primarily leaned conservative. The city consistently supported the Republican presidential candidates, including Bob Dole in 1996, George W. Bush (2000 and 2004), John McCain (2008), Mitt Romney (2012), Donald Trump in 2016, and again in 2020. Though California is a Democrat stronghold, Clovis represents one of the conservative pockets where values align more closely with the Republican platform.

Local Elections

Local elections in Clovis have also leaned conservative over the past 25 years. Republicans or conservative-leaning individuals have often held the City Council and mayorship. Public safety, economic development, and fiscal conservatism have been central to local campaigns. Though nonpartisan, these local elections reflect the community's preference for conservative governance and policies.